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about [2022/12/19 07:26] snacsnocabout [2025/02/16 20:31] (current) snacsnoc
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-I spent a lot of my younger days building computers and playing with software. I had amassed several Pentium I era computers and I finally delved into Linux. At a local book store, I spotted a Linux Format magazine and that was my in. As any new Linux user, I distrohopped for such a long time, learning the ins and outs of seemingly random Linux distributions. After a while I decided on what I liked, what tools were available and how updates and services worked, I decided on Debian. +I spent a lot of my younger days building computers and playing with software. I had amassed several Pentium I,II and III era computers and I finally jumped into Linux. At a local book store, I spotted a Linux Format magazine and that was my in. As any new Linux user, I distrohopped for such a long time, learning the ins and outs of seemingly random Linux distributions. Back than, Canonical would send anyone a free CD of Ubuntu in the mail. I think Ubuntu 6.06 was the first CD I received. After a while I decided on what I liked, what tools were available and how updates and services worked, I decided on Debian. 
-Over the years I upgraded computers, making the leap into multi gigahertz territory. Those old single core days were over. But I still held onto those computers, I guess for nostalgia.+Over the years I upgraded computers, making the leap into multi gigahertz territory. Those old single core days were over. But I still held onto those computers, I guess for nostalgia. I ran many as local file and web servers, and I had a blast doing it (albeit the monthly power bill correlated with how many boxes I had running).
-In that same Linux Format magazine, I learned about [[https://www.delilinux.org/|DeLi Linux]]: a distribution made for low end computers. One of the computers I had kept in my collection was a Pentium I, running at 133mhz with 64MB of RAM. It had an incredibly small hard drive, installed with Windows 3.11. Something around 800MB. DeLi Linux installed easily and run just as well, LILO is always such a breeze to install with as it is. DeLi's install ISO was around 60MB too, keep that in mind.+In that same Linux Format magazine, I learned about [[https://www.delilinux.org/|DeLi Linux]]: a distribution made for low end computers. One of the computers I had kept in my collection was a Pentium I, running at 133mhz with 64MB of RAM. It had an incredibly small hard drive, installed with Windows 3.11. Something around 800MB. DeLi Linux installed easily and run just as well, LILO is always such a breeze to install with as it is. DeLi's install ISO was around 60MB too. While not ancientthis was in the days of 700MB live install CDs to 4.7GB DVDs of modern distros for, well, modern computers at the time keep that in mind. I think I enjoyed the challenge of working within constraints. Sure you could simply walk down to the store and buy some more RAM so you could run Compiz Fusion and do the cool cube desktop thing. This Pentium I system had 72-pin SIMMs which were long gone off the shelves of stores.
 As an honorable mention, I should say that [[http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/|Damn Small Linux]] was a great learning resource. Fantastic project, lots of hardware support for what it is. And as of 2022, they haven't changed their website since I first encountered it, more than a decade ago. As an honorable mention, I should say that [[http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/|Damn Small Linux]] was a great learning resource. Fantastic project, lots of hardware support for what it is. And as of 2022, they haven't changed their website since I first encountered it, more than a decade ago.
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 SnackLinux was born with simple build instructions in mind, with easy to follow directions. It's very easy to overload the reader with useless technical minutia that should be saved for another article. Simple instructions, simple build utils and simple distribution of said software. SnackLinux was born with simple build instructions in mind, with easy to follow directions. It's very easy to overload the reader with useless technical minutia that should be saved for another article. Simple instructions, simple build utils and simple distribution of said software.
-SnackLinux itself as a project is 10 years old now. It hasn't gained any use or really any traction other than a few stars on Github, but it's a pleasure of mine to indulge in these warm software/harwdware nostalgic feelings.+SnackLinux itself as a project is 12 years old now. It hasn't gained any use or really any traction other than a few stars on Github, but it's a pleasure of mine to indulge in these warm software/harwdware nostalgic feelings.