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download [2023/11/18 09:59] – [Download] snacsnocdownload [2023/11/21 06:29] (current) – [Changelog:] snacsnoc
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 For source and building instructions, see the [[https://github.com/snacsnoc/snacklinux|github]] page  For source and building instructions, see the [[https://github.com/snacsnoc/snacklinux|github]] page 
-Docker templates here: [[http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/downloads/docker/]].+<del>OLD: Docker templates here: [[http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/downloads/docker/]].</del>
 ===== Changelog: ===== ===== Changelog: =====
 +Update kernel to 6.6.1, musl 1.2.4, busybox 1.36.1, binutils 2.31, bash to 5.2.21
 +Working local media (hdd) install script
 +Stripped down kernel config
 **18.12.22** **18.12.22**
 See full changelog: https://github.com/snacsnoc/snacklinux/compare/06.05.15...18.12.2022 See full changelog: https://github.com/snacsnoc/snacklinux/compare/06.05.15...18.12.2022