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getting-started [2015/05/06 04:46] snacsnocgetting-started [2023/11/18 20:47] (current) – [Quick start] snacsnoc
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 ====== Quick start ====== ====== Quick start ======
-Download the [[http://snacklinux.org/iso/|latest ISO]] and boot into SnackLinux either in a virtual machine or on physical hardware+Download the [[http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/download/|latest ISO]] (x86 only) or compile the kernel and root filesystem (any architecture) and boot into SnackLinux either in a virtual machine or on physical hardware. 
- +
-Docker templates are available [[http://snacklinux.org/downloads/docker/|here]]. See the [[docker|Docker]] page for more information.+
 +<del>//OLD//: Docker templates are available [[http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/downloads/docker/|here]]. See the [[docker|Docker]] page for more information.
 SnackLinux supports most generic hardware. SnackLinux supports most generic hardware.
 +==== Install ====
 +You can install SnackLinux to a local hard drive by runnning install-snacklinux.sh in /root
 +Note: you will need to setup networking and install dialog, ncurses and lilo with fbpkg install
 +  fbpkg install dialog && fbpkg install ncurses && fbpkg install lilo
 +  bash install-snacklinux.sh /dev/sda
 ==== Networking ==== ==== Networking ====
Line 13: Line 18:
   route add default gw    route add default gw 
 or use ''udhcpc'' for DHCP. or use ''udhcpc'' for DHCP.
 +or create ''/etc/network/intefaces'' and use ''ifup eth0''
 +  touch /etc/network/intefaces
 +  auto eth0
 +  iface eth0 inet static
 +    address 192.168.1.X # Replace X with the specific IP address you want to assign to this device
 +    netmask
 +    gateway
 +    dns-nameservers
 Run ''fbpkg update'' to update the latest packages list and to check if the network is up. Run ''fbpkg update'' to update the latest packages list and to check if the network is up.
Line 22: Line 37:
 mkdir /etc/dropbear && cd /etc/dropbear mkdir /etc/dropbear && cd /etc/dropbear
 dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key
-dropbearkey -t dss -f dropbear_dss_host_key+dropbearkey -t ecdsa -f dropbear_ecdsa_host_key
 </code> </code>
 Now run ''dropbear'' to start the dropbear SSH server. Now run ''dropbear'' to start the dropbear SSH server.
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 Use ''fbpkg install <package>'' or ''fbpkg remove <package>'' for installation and removal. Run ''fbpkg --help'' for more information. Use ''fbpkg install <package>'' or ''fbpkg remove <package>'' for installation and removal. Run ''fbpkg --help'' for more information.
 +=== Programming ===
 +For compiling C/C++, install the essential tools:
 +   fbpkg install gcc-toolchain
 +   fbpkg install make
 +   fbpkg install binutils
 +   fbpkg install m4
 +For Nim, see the [[nim-lang|Nim language page  ]] 
-Run ''/root/install-snacklinux.sh /dev/hdX'' and follow through the prompts to install to persistent media. The installation uses approximately 40 MB of disk space.</del>