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getting-started [2015/04/25 04:55] snacsnocgetting-started [2025/03/10 03:03] (current) – [Install] snacsnoc
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 ====== Quick start ====== ====== Quick start ======
-Download the [[http://snacklinux.org/iso/|latest ISO]] and boot into SnackLinux either in a virtual machine or on physical hardware. SnackLinux supports most generic hardware.+===== Download ===== 
 +You have a few options: 
 +  * Download the [[http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/download/|latest ISO]] (x86 only) and boot as a live system 
 +  * Download the [[http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/download/|hard drive image file]] and boot as a pre-installed system 
 +  * Compile the kernel and root filesystem (any architecture) and boot into SnackLinux either in a virtual machine or on physical hardware.  
 +SnackLinux supports most generic vintage hardware out of the boxIf you require specific drivers, please compile your own custom kernel. 
 +===== Install ===== 
 +You can install SnackLinux from a live  ISO image to a local hard drive by runnning ''/root/install-snacklinux.sh'', or by booting from the hard drive img file (easiest). 
 +If you are using vintage hardware and an IDE to Compact Flash adapter, you can simply dd the img file to your CF card.  
 +   dd if=snacklinux_cf_i486_01.03.25.img of=/dev/sda4 
 +Note for live install: you will need to setup networking and install dialog, ncurses and lilo with ''fbpkg'' 
 +   fbpkg install dialog && fbpkg install ncurses && fbpkg install lilo 
 +   bash install-snacklinux.sh /dev/hda 
 +===== Networking =====
 To set up networking, you can either use a static IP To set up networking, you can either use a static IP
Line 7: Line 25:
   route add default gw    route add default gw 
 or use ''udhcpc'' for DHCP. or use ''udhcpc'' for DHCP.
 +or create ''/etc/network/intefaces'' and use ''ifup eth0''
 +  touch /etc/network/intefaces
 +  auto eth0
 +  iface eth0 inet static
 +    address 192.168.1.X # Replace X with the specific IP address you want to assign to this device
 +    netmask
 +    gateway
 +    dns-nameservers
 Run ''fbpkg update'' to update the latest packages list and to check if the network is up. Run ''fbpkg update'' to update the latest packages list and to check if the network is up.
-**SSH**+==== SSH ====
 Install dropbear via fbpkg by running ''fbpkg install dropbear'' Install dropbear via fbpkg by running ''fbpkg install dropbear''
Line 16: Line 44:
 mkdir /etc/dropbear && cd /etc/dropbear mkdir /etc/dropbear && cd /etc/dropbear
 dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key
-dropbearkey -t dss -f dropbear_dss_host_key+dropbearkey -t ecdsa -f dropbear_ecdsa_host_key
 </code> </code>
 Now run ''dropbear'' to start the dropbear SSH server. Now run ''dropbear'' to start the dropbear SSH server.
 +==== Packages ====
-====== The below information is outdated and will be updated shortly ======+To see the available packages, run ''fbpkg search mypackage''.
-If you receive an error such as PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 after you have installed when trying to SSH into SnackLinuxtry the below+Use ''fbpkg install <package>'' or ''fbpkg remove <package>'' for installation and removal. Run ''fbpkg --help'' for more information. 
-<code> + 
-rm -rf /dev/pts +==== Programming ==== 
-mkdir /dev/pts +For compiling C/C++install the essential tools
-mount /dev/pts +   fbpkg install gcc 
-</code> +   fbpkg install make 
-Add ''mkdir /dev/pts'' above ''/bin/mount -a'' in ''/etc/init.d/rcS''+   fbpkg install binutils 
 +   fbpkg install m4 
 +   # Other software that may be of value 
 +   # tcc, ncurses, pkgconf, [[nim-lang|nim]] 
 +==== Graphics (in-progress) ==== 
 +**Requirements:** Built-in or ISA VGA video card 
 +**Graphics memory:** 512KB tested, possibly works with 256KB 
 +SnackLinux supports only the ISA bus and excludes any PCI-based devices including graphics cards. Most graphics drivers in the kernel (4.4) are aimed at PCI cards, so we are left with two choices: vga16fb or simpleframebuffer. The ''vesafb'' graphics driver only supports VESA 2.0+ cards, which do not encompass most ISA graphics cards (Cirrus GD54xx, Trident TVGA 8900/9000, Oak 067/077). 
 +The SnackLinux kernel does not have built-in graphics support to save on size and allow booting with 8MB of RAM. Boot SnackLinux by selecting any VGA text mode on boot (Extlinux), you may encounter issues loading the appropriate kernel module if "VESA" is selected.  
 +To install ''linux-modules'' and load the appropriate modules: 
 +  fbpkg install linux-modules 
 +  modprobe vga16fb 
 +  fbset #confirm the current resolution 
 +  ls /dev/fb0 #confirm we have a framebuffer 
 +  modprobe mousedev #/dev/input/mice does not exist by default, this creates it 
 +  modprobe psmouse #for a PS/2 mouse 
 +  modprobe sermouse #for a serial mouse
-**Installation**+Builds of MicroWindows 0.92 have been compiled but not ready for a full release. As a note, Microwindow looks for a mouse at ''/dev/mouse'' 
 +You can download the compiled packages here, extract to your local directory and run ''launcher.sh'': 
 +  wget http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/repo/testing/microwindows-serial-mouse.tgz #for using a serial mouse. Create /dev/psaux or create a symbolic link to your mouse 
 +  wget http://snacklinux.geekness.eu/repo/testing/microwindows-0.92-bin-gpm.tgz #for using gpm 
 +  fbpkg install gpm 
 +**Work In Progress**: builds of an updated and refactored MicroWindows 0.92: https://github.com/ghaerr/microwindows/tree/master 
 +Currently unable to run in 4bit mode, even with grayscale enabled. 
-Run ''/root/install-snacklinux.sh /dev/hdX'' and follow through the prompts to install to persistent media. The installation uses approximately 40 MB of disk space. 
-To see the available packages, run ''cat /var/lib/fbpkg/packageslist''. Use ''fbpkg install <package>'' or ''fbpkg remove <package>'' for installation and removal. Run ''fbpkg --help'' for more information.