
This is an old revision of the document!

Kernel compression methods: GZIP, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, LZO,LZ4,ZSTD

ls -s bzImage 


4276 bzImage


5988 arch/x86/boot/bzImage


[easto@cupcake][/opt/snacklinux_rootfs]$ find . -print | cpio -o -H newc --quiet | gzip -9 > rootfs.gz
cpio: File ./rootfs.gz grew, 1048576 new bytes not copied
[easto@cupcake][/opt/snacklinux_rootfs]$ ls -s rootfs.gz 
7812 rootfs.gz
[easto@cupcake][/opt/snacklinux_rootfs]$ find . -print | cpio -o -H newc --quiet | gzip > rootfs.gz
cpio: File ./rootfs.gz grew, 1064960 new bytes not copied
[easto@cupcake][/opt/snacklinux_rootfs]$ ls -s rootfs.gz 
7852 rootfs.gz

rootfs compression: xz vs gzip

[easto@cupcake][~/snacklinux]$ make TARGET=i486 iso cd /opt/snacklinux_rootfs/; find . -print | cpio -o -H newc –quiet | xz > /home/easto/snacklinux/rootfs.xz wait mv rootfs.xz boot/isolinux /usr/bin/genisoimage -l -J -R -input-charset utf-8 -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o iso/snacklinux_i486_`date +'%d.%m.%y'`.iso boot Size of boot image is 4 sectors → No emulation 92.50% done, estimate finish Mon Dec 19 02:44:43 2022 Total translation table size: 2048 Total rockridge attributes bytes: 954 Total directory bytes: 2408 Path table size(bytes): 26 Max brk space used 0 5414 extents written (10 MB)

kernel-compression.1671417950.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/19 02:45 by snacsnoc
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