Quick start

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Quick start

Download the latest ISO (x86 only) and boot into SnackLinux either in a virtual machine or on physical hardware.

Docker templates are available here. See the Docker page for more information.

SnackLinux supports most generic hardware.


You can install SnackLinux to a local hard drive by runnning install-snacklinux.sh in /root Note: you will need to setup networking and install dialog, ncurses and lilo with fbpkg install

fbpkg install dialog && fbpkg install ncurses && fbpkg install lilo
bash install-snacklinux.sh /dev/sda


To set up networking, you can either use a static IP

ifconfig eth0 netmask
route add default gw 

or use udhcpc for DHCP. or create /etc/network/intefaces and use ifup eth0' touch /etc/network/intefaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address 192.168.1.X # Replace X with the specific IP address you want to assign to this device netmask gateway dns-nameservers Run fbpkg update to update the latest packages list and to check if the network is up. === SSH === Install dropbear via fbpkg by running fbpkg install dropbear Then set up the keys: <code> mkdir /etc/dropbear && cd /etc/dropbear dropbearkey -t rsa -f dropbear_rsa_host_key dropbearkey -t ecdsa -f dropbear_ecdsa_host_key </code> Now run dropbear to start the dropbear SSH server. === Packages === To see the available packages, run fbpkg search mypackage. Use fbpkg install <package> or fbpkg remove <package> for installation and removal. Run fbpkg –help'' for more information.


For compiling C/C++, install the essential tools:

 fbpkg install gcc
 fbpkg install make
 fbpkg install binutils
 fbpkg install m4

For Nim, see the Nim language page